Dear Payne County Democrats,
As you may know, the Diamond Donkey Gala is our annual fundraising event that celebrates the achievements and contributions of our party and our community. The theme of this year’s gala is “Gratitude & Growth."
We want to express our gratitude to our loyal supporters and donors and share our vision and plans for the growth of our party here in the county and Oklahoma.
The gala will feature a plated dinner, a live auction, and a keynote speech by Meredith Woodruff, one of the first women in United States history to direct major national security initiatives worldwide.
The event will be held at the ConocoPhilips OSU Alumni Center in Click Hall. We expect to have over 100 guests, including local leaders and elected officials. Seats are limited so buy your tickets below ASAP! Also, if you would like information on mailing in your check and RSVP, please respond to this email or reach out to for instructions.
See you there!
Warm regards,
Chairman Justin Worley
Payne County Democrats
Our committees have been hard at work helping to keep our organization running smoothly! The following committees provided reports:
Outreach Committee: Chaired by Florence Degler, this committee has set an event for us to take part in the Payne County Free Fair from August 30th through September 2nd at the Payne County Expo Center!
Sign Up to Help Work the Booth Here!
Political Affairs Committee: Chaired by Samuel Cypert, this committee has collected a list of the most pressing developments in politics from Oklahoma and beyond! See that report here!
Communications Committee: Chaired by Roy Degler, this committee has finished its work on crafting our brand new website! Be sure to go check it out by clicking the button below! Please keep in mind that the site is still under construction and some items may not be available. However, the necessities are there so that you have the most up to date information! Thank you Roy Degler for your determination and hard work on this project!
Click here to view the most recent meeting minutes!